Personal Reflective Essay: Changing My Hair

Words: 516
Pages: 3

My scalp burns. It’s all I can think about, the tingling sensation on my head and how it’ll all be worth it - hopefully, at least. Who knows what the finished product will look like when it comes to dyeing your own hair. You always start out the day with a picture in your head, but any number of things could go wrong and cause you to scrap that picture and create a new one. One tragic weekend, I started Saturday bright eyed, ready to give myself bubblegum pink hair. In a matter of hours, I was heading to the beauty supply store in search of forest green dye.
I’ve always had an unquestionably deep sense of individuality. I’ve never felt comfortable being the same as everyone else, whether that’s looking the same, talking the same, or dressing the same. That’s what stood out to me about having crazy hair colors. You could walk down the street and see 30 people with brown hair, but 30 people with blue hair? That’s a much bigger challenge. My sense of individuality is also the reason why I went from having thick, waist length, curly hair, to chin length with shaved sides. My first real adventure with hair dye was a beautiful turquoise. From
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Ever since then, I’ve been changing my hair color around every month. It’s become a defining feature in my physical appearance. In my school, youth group, and various extracurricular activities, I’m known as “the girl with the fun hair”. I love that label, more than I probably should. Having control over my hair is a constant, which are hard to come by in high school. Everything changes, whether I like it or not, but when I started purposefully changing my hair, it became a source of strength in my individuality. I love the responsibility, the adventure, and the freedom that comes with each time I set out to change the color of my hair. And while I always love the finished product, having the ability to say I did it myself, alone in my bathroom, is the best