Personal Statement: My Personal Philosophy Of The Classroom

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Pages: 3

Philosophy on Class Management
A personal goal of mine is to create an environment of peace and learning for my students. I hope to teach them to strive for independence and to develop as unique individuals. I want my classroom to be a learning community that is supportive and respectful. My classroom will be a place where it is okay to make a mistake when you are learning. I want my students to have freedom that allows for expression and creativity. As a future educator, I want my students to trust me and feel secure, support each other, and strive for independence.
When my students are misbehaving, I must first evaluate my own behavior. I am sole provider of a conducive learning environment for my students. I believe a classroom not designed
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I watch their techniques and try to appropriately mimic the successful ones I observe. I try to listen when students are upset instead of argue with them. I have learned with past experiences to not create a power struggle between yourself and the student. In the future I plan on practicing rational detachment by staying in control when confronted with difficult behavior.
Growing up I went to a small farming community k-12 school where many of my teachers had taught for 25+ years. Their behavior management was not always the best. I was often distracted due to my attention deficit and that would make teachers angry. Often teachers would respond in anger and frustration and take my lack of attention personally. I plan on having a classroom of acceptance where my students do not feel stressed.
I feel that in my own classroom management my strengths include making my students feel safe. Confidence is important in making students feel safe. I also believe that I will be able to provide a responsible peer climate. I know that inclusive schools promote respectful and supportive relationships, avoid the bullying epidemic, and build the attributes of positive peer-to-peer