Personification In John Muir's 'Calypso Borealis'

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Pages: 1

John Muir used personification to show what nature can bring to human beings in a form of feelings (peace, inspiration). “This Calypso meeting happened some forty-five years ago,…human beings” (John Muir, Paragraph 4). He knew that flower can’t speak a word, but the first glance of ‘The Calypso Borealis’ gave him an inspiration to take a step towards literature. “Storms, thunderclouds, winds in the woods-were welcomed as friends.” He knew that on the path towards ‘The Calypso Borealis’, he is going to face some of the challenges that will try to stop him on his approach towards the flowers. But, he was ready to accept all that difficulties and welcomed them as friends.
William Wordsworth used simile in his poem to make us feel or imagine what