Persuasive Essay About Oncoming Trains

Words: 572
Pages: 3

Over one thousand(1) people are killed every year by trains, and all those deaths can be prevented. By law, trains have the right of way because they cannot swerve to avoid hitting an object (they are bound by the tracks) and, even with emergency brakes, it takes a train over a mile to come to a complete stop. If you are hit and injured or killed by a train, you are the one at fault. You could have ignored railroad warning signs, oblivious to the situation because of distractions (earphones, phones, etc.), or been trespassing, but whichever way, you are accountable and liable for the accident.

There are several ways that you are warned of an upcoming railroad tracks: advanced warning signs (signs posted prior to approaching the crossing ahead,
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You should always expect a train to be coming; most trains don’t run on a repetitive schedule, so a train could be coming at any time of day or night. You should never get trapped on railroad tracks. You can prevent this by making sure that you do not cross the tracks until you are sure that all tracks are clear of oncoming trains. If you do get stuck on railroad tracks for some reason, there are steps you should take to ensure your safety and try to help the nearby train conductors. You should get out of your vehicle immediately, notify authorities of the situation, and stay clear of the tracks. At some tracks, there will be a phone number to contact local railroad conductors to warn them of the situation. If a train coming toward you at the time of your car stalling, you should run in the opposite direction of the train (toward it), angling away from it; this makes you less likely to be hit by debri. You should also always watch for second trains and vehicles that might be required to stop at railroad crossings (buses, trucks, etc.). Never, ever race a train, and never, ever drive around gates.(2) Avoiding collisions with trains is not difficult; slow down, look, listen, and be cautious when coming across railroad