Persuasive Essay About Zoos

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Pages: 3

Imagine you were a wild animal in a zoo stuck in a cage. Do you know how hard that would be for animals that are meant to be in the wild. Zoos should be banned because when animals are stuck in tight cages and they can get zoonoses which makes them act different. Also animals can't do the normal things that their kind would do.

First of all we should ban zoos because when animals are stuck in tight cages they can get zoonoses which makes them act different. According to the source ¨Zoos should be banned¨ it states that animals get changed by being in zoos. In other words,zoos are bad for animals because animals are not used to people always being around them if they came from the wild. This also states that animals should not be in zoos because of zoonoses
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This source,Zoos: Pitiful Prisons, it says that zoos can more accurately be described as ¨collections¨ of interesting animals than as actual homes for these animals. For example they can't run around and be free in the wild. This explains that animals need to be freed from zoos. In the article¨5 reasons you should boycott zoos¨. It points out that when zoos don't want an animal anymore they kill the animals. This means that animals get killed just because some zoos don't want the animal anymore. What did the animals ever do to the zookeepers? Even though some zoos help animals more than others, if I were a animal I would not want to be stuck in a zoo for the rest of my life. Another example is that these animals are taken away from where they came from. Imagine how hard that would be for these animals and their families. This makes me realize that zoos aren't spending all of their time helping animals, most of the time they are just having those animals be in misery by being stuck in cages. This should have shown you that we should ban zoos because animals can't do the normal things that their kind would