Persuasive Essay: Are Designer Babies Really Perfect?

Words: 505
Pages: 3

Designer Babies Is harming your baby really worth it being “perfect”. Why have a baby that doesn’t look like you? Here are some reasons why advances in science, like designer babies, are not good. Only the rich can afford to have designer babies. People are not perfect, we are perfect the way we are and don't need to be changed. It is not safe and we don’t know the outcome of this process. Designer babies are completely atrocious because only the wealthy can have this done. It is not fair to everyone else who can’t afford it. It would also be putting the wealthy over the poor. People always claim looks do not matter and they shouldn't really but honestly looks really do matter in today's society. Our looks could depend on getting jobs, as in like acting or something. The wealthy would get more jobs for like movies because the directors mostly like are going to want a good looking actor. It is way too expensive to get your baby designed. It costs around 16,000 to get it done and no average person could afford that. Instead of …show more content…
Scientists don't know enough yet to know how the designer babies will affect the gene pool. Not enough genetic diversity has been proven to lead to defects and other problems. The other children in the family could be affected by the designer babies cause they will look better. A regular kid may become jealous of the designer babies which would cause jealous. It may also make the other children insecure about their appearance.
Designer babies should not be allowed to be genetically modified. Wealthy people will become better looking which is totally unfair. We are all just human and not meant to be perfect because we are perfect the way we are. Risking your baby's life just for it to be “perfect” is definitely not worth it. This really shows what kind of parent you are and if you really care. If everyone was “perfect”, no one would be unique or