Persuasive Essay On Arming Teachers

Words: 587
Pages: 3

Would arming teachers decrease the perishes in a school shooting? Or would it only deprive the school of the safety that they need? From perspective, there’s a chance that it would. Arming teachers would most likely cause harm due to its risk. Schools arming teachers would possibly decrease the safety for the children in the school grounds across the world, and there are a various reasons why. Since school shootings are so rare, arming teachers would only increase the rate of harm than safety for children in the school. Forty-five school associated violent deaths had been caused in 2011 (“National Center for Education Statistics”. Figure 1.1”). However, it might just seem like a lot, but you are four times more likely to die from a lightning strike than die of a school shooting. Lightning strike deaths are considered rare, and to consider it is much more common than to die from a school shooting is staggering to an advantage. To add on, not all school-associated violent deaths can be prevented with a gun, since the vast majority of deaths in the school grounds are done by accident. This proves that not only arming teachers would make such little difference to school shooting rates, but would might just cause more harm than good. For this reason, it would clearly beyond the danger and risk to arm teachers. …show more content…
However, although guns may be a protectant solution against intruders, they are more proficient at causing harm than good. On September 11th, a teacher with a concealed carry permit accidentally shot herself in the leg at an Elementary School in the Salt Lake City suburb (Murphy 5). Not only accidents like this could occur on its own, but accidents in a school shooting would surely come to a rise. Moreover, even though firearms may be protecting towards students, the harm it can cause it beyond the