Persuasive Essay On Bine Watching

Words: 375
Pages: 2

Supernatural, the Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, American Horror Story, Scream Queens, and Bates Motel. Every single one of these television shows are fairly popular on Netflix right now. Netflix is a wonderful tool that has been provided for almost everyone for a cheap amount of money a month. Netflix is marvelous, however; it is extremely difficult to find enough time to watch one’s favorite shows. One can successfully binge watch Netflix if distractions are eliminated, enough food is stocked for the day, and one prepares for the day. To begin, it is important to binge watch Netflix with no distractions whatsoever. Before binge watching begins, one should warn family members what they plan to be up to for the day. If one tells others of their to do list, hopefully no interruptions would take place. Also when watching Netflix, it is important for one to lock the door, in case a sibling or parent tries to barge in. If the …show more content…
If one has the goal to finishing almost a whole season of their favorite show, the task would be difficult if pausing for refreshments is continuous. Cheese sticks, crackers, chips, and popcorn would be excellent choices for food. As for drinks, a few simple bottles of purified water, a couple cans of pop, and a jug of juice would be wise choices. Lastly, one has to plan the day out before spending it watching Netflix. A wise day to do so should usually be a day with no other planned activities, so most likely an open weekend or day off. Before the day begins, a quick check up on all needed materials is crucial. Checking up on the needed device, food, drinks, and unneeded distractions is essential. All in all, if one’s favorite show is on Netflix and they plan on watching it for the whole day, it would be vital for them to eliminate all distractions, stock up on needed refreshments, and plan ahead for their special binge watching