Persuasive Essay On Creatine

Words: 440
Pages: 2

Do you even know what the word creatine mean? Well creatine means a compound formed in protein metabolism and present in much living tissue . It is involved in the supply of energy for muscular contraction. Creatine is naturally produced , it can be found in meats and fish . It's made by the human body in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas, also it’s converted into a creatine phosphate which is stored in the muscles used for energy. There are several arguments about using creatine in the economy, some human beings agree to it , and some disagree . You might think creatine is good to use but their are side effects to it. I think creatine should be regulated because everyone wants to use creatine when doing activities dealing with the community or their school. There should be a age limit on it around 16 years old because at that age you should be able to know how much your body can take without over using the creatine .If you're trying to increase your muscles then use creatine but if you can increase your muscles without using creatine there is no reason for you to use creatine. Now there are 3 different types of creatine which is powder , liquid and CEE but I prefer you to use the powder because the other …show more content…
The reporters say that there's no side effects reported about using creatine. So there for the athletes will continue using creatine to put on a show for the school to look good( They argued if you read the instructions on the back you wouldn’t overdose on it. But a lot of things can be harmful when you're not following directions , but it should be treated the same as if you were making caffeine. Some scientists argued and said if you abused the creatine then it can cause health problems . They said the humans beings that are under the age 18 will not be allowed to use creatine just like in real life you have to be 18 to get cigarettes and