Persuasive Essay On Entering America

Words: 543
Pages: 3

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” The most recognizable quote from the Statue of Liberty taken from Emma Lazarus’ sonnet, New Colossus. However, at this moment of American history that sentiment is in serious jeopardy of having any meaning. With the new administration's executive order to ban people from entering the United States from seven specific nations, America is at odds with its very own foundations.

The administration has tried to defend its policy by comparing action taken by then President Obama in 2011. The Obama administration implemented a policy, slowing down, significantly at the time, the process of Iraqi refugees entering the United States. The vetting in 2011 became more stringent and was in response to the discovery that two Iraqi refugees in Kentucky had been linked to the making of roadside bombs in Iraq. The ban did not encompass more countries nor persons in possession of green cards. There were concerns, at the time, that persons that served the U.S. in Iraq would be denied or at least have the process slowed down greatly of entering the country. Both the LA Times and Baltimore Sun ran stories about the "enhanced screening"
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The policy, then, did not target visa applications or the entirety of a nation's citizenry. Thus, the defense by this administration to support their policy on immigration is at best a lie of omission, but a lie nonetheless. Also, it must be noted the curious absence of countries with known terrorist organizations not included in this ban, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. While of the seven countries the ban does include, not a single American was killed on U.S. soil by citizens from any of those countries between 1975 and 2015, according to statistics tallied by the conservative-leaning Cato Institute. (This link provided from the New York Daily