Persuasive Essay On Gay Adoption

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Pages: 2

Adoption has been around for many years, but only recently has the question of gay adoption risen. There are many orphans in the world, but not enough families to take them in. There is a solution to this problem; gay adoption. Adoption to gay couples should probably be legalized everywhere.
With gay couples adopting, there could be many more homes available for kids and orphans around the world. As a general rule, if something will get more kids homes, then they should do it. Studies show that gay couples are doing really well raising children.
There is no proof that same-sex couple are any less capable of parenting then heterosexual couples. As a general rule, if people are capable of parenting then they should be allowed to adopt. An
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As a general rule, if someone is caring, devoted, and stable then they should be allowed to adopt. An example showing how much gay couple’s value having children was shown when a man found a recently born baby on a subway, and he and his partner adopted the baby.
Many people oppose gay adoption because of religious beliefs. This may sound convincing, but with gay marriage legalized in many places, gays should then be able to start a family. What this article fails to take into accountant is that children with gay parents will grow up without a father or mother. However, they are forgetting that gays are normal people with families that can include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends that the children can be influenced by.
To recap, gay adoption is a solution to many world problems. With more kids with families, the world would overall be a better place. Adoption to gay couples should probably be legalized everywhere. Although many disagree with gay adoption because of health problems that kids with homosexual parents could have, there is no proof of this and therefore gay adoption should be okay. Throughout the next few years, I hope that many more people will realize the benefits of gay adoption. Maybe, one day, we could all live in