Persuasive Essay On Gun Laws

Words: 533
Pages: 3

Gun laws are the cause of much of the violent crime in the United States because of gun control. Gun control is laws that control how guns are sold and used and who can own them. Guns are rarely used in self-defense (gun-control.procon) and some people own a gun that shouldn’t own a gun and could put people’s lives at risk, such as mentally ill people, convicted felons, and people with PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). U.S gun law should be changed for citizen safety because innocent people are dying young for no reason. Felons should not be able to carry guns, especially if they already have committed heinous crimes. It could be very tempting for them to commit the same crime again. Felons could put their loved one’s life in jeopardy or someone else’s life by the decision they make to commit a crime. The life of being a felon can be very hard sometimes because no one will hire you for a job, nor do you have certain freedoms such as, buying a legitimate car or buying a legitimate house, or going to certain places that require a background check. People judge others by their background instead of …show more content…
Anyone’s life could be at risk anytime. (Guns & Mental Health) It’s unfair to other people because anytime of the day the mentally ill person could choose to kill whoever is in their way and probably get away with it because they have mental issues. Psychiatric disorders such as depression are strongly implicated in suicide, which accounts for more than half of gun fatalities annually.It is undoubtedly true that people who are a danger to self and/or others because of mental illness should be prohibited from owning firearms a series of mass shootings from 2007-2012 perpetrated by gunmen who suffered from serious mental illness (Virginia Tech, Tucson, and Aurora, among others and who in many cases legally purchased the firearms they used to kill