Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

Words: 814
Pages: 4

Imagine waking up to rustling in your kitchen and finding an illegal alien eating all of your hard earned groceries. Scenarios like this are becoming more and more frequent in the southern United States. Even though the government has tried to “limit” and protect the border, more and more illegal immigrants cross every year. The only way to stop this problem is to further limit or even completely shut down the U.S. - Mexico border. One major problem with illegal immigrants is that they put American taxpayers in a large fiscal deficit (Rector). On average in 2010, college educated households received $24,839 in government benefits while paying over $50,000 in taxes (Rector). Meanwhile illegal households received $46,582 in government benefits while only paying $11,000 in taxes (Rector) that American taxpayers are raising …show more content…
Even though most illegal immigrants collect government benefits many of them traffic in drugs to pad their pockets. The “U.S. borders are practically as porous as ever” (Kouri), and everyone’s going to take advantage of it as long as they can. In recent years there has been a rising population of Hamas, Hezabollah, and Al-Qaeda in the Triple Frontier Zone, a border area between Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil (Kouri), making them capable of “sneaking” into the United States without any major problems and causing numerous national concerns. Meanwhile many drug traffickers are searching for new ways to smuggle drugs across the border. Many are very well funded by large cartels, who supply the drugs that are like gold to some people, and sell that way on the streets. Some have even started to use drones to fly Methamphetamines over the border in “test” runs for something bigger (Drone). Even though U.S. authorities do their best to keep up with the latest strategies, they always seem one step