Persuasive Essay On Life Without Parole

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Pages: 6

A jury meets behind closed doors as they discuss a case that involves a fifteen year old criminal and a ten-year old murdered victim. Although it may not have the same severity and details, many jurors face the same problem of deciding what the punishment should be for the young perpetrators. After much deliberation, many would decide that the perpetrators deserve life without parole based off of the case severity. Some jurors would decide to against giving life without parole by stating that it would be to severe. This conflict in opinion can seen throughout American society as the young perpetrators and their cases came to be known. However, the majority of the public believe that juveniles should not be charged with life without parole for crimes that could be considered adult.
The majority of the public believes that juveniles should not be charged with life without parole because it is considered to be violating the Eighth Amendment, which states that cruel and unusual
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One such advocator is Jennifer Jenkins, a high school teacher. In her article, Jenkins states that a “16 or 17 year old is capable of forming such requisite criminal intent”. Jenkins goes on to say life without parole isn’t sentencing juveniles to death since it allows a great deal of good living to be done. After this, Jenkins states that many juvenile life without parole offenders are “repeat violent offenders and many have killed multiple people”. Her statement can be backed up by the case of Craig Price, who had killed four people by the age of fifteen and said that he was “going to smoke a bomber” after he gets out (Associated Press). Although it’s only one case, Price is a symbol of how there are juvenile offenders that do not feel remorse for what they did. In addition to that, Price is also a symbol of how, if given a chance, they may kill