Persuasive Essay On National Anthem

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Pages: 3

There is no secret that everyone knows who Colin Kaepernick is and the controversy surrounding him.when he didn't stand up for the national anthem people lose their minds and the news spread like wildfire.after the game he stated that he will stand when he feels like he is living in the country the song is referring to. Now he is right to say that we aren't the country that is being described in the song.however we have came a huge way from when we started. Therefore we believe the Star-Spangled Banner should be cut to have a standard what America needs to be. many would argue that how can we follow in Anthem if it was written by racist slave owner. However, nowhere in the song talks about slavery. To add on if the song was written by a African-American it won't change the fact that America isn't great. We must understand that there must be a change in this country. The song is about freedom and Victory. However America isn't truly free. It is Shackled by the change of racism, nationalism, and patriotism

To and on, if it still bothers you that this song is racist we need to put the past behined us and move on to better this
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However, there's no denying it was better than what it was and more people are on the right side. We would like you to once again go back to the civil rights era and put yourself in the shoes of those who marched.put yourself into their shoes and would you be able to handle all of what those brave black men and women had to go thought.not to mention kkk and even kids getting hosed.and yha we have not grown as much but at the end of the day it was better than what it was. You may wonder why we are focusing so much on the topic of racism. It's because racism is making the United States not United. To follow the lead of The Star-Spangled Banner We must be done away with racism. As we do this we are taking a step forward and making the United States great