Persuasive Essay On Refugees In Canada

Words: 482
Pages: 2

As the crisis in Syria continues, a devastating human disaster is unfolding right in front of our

eyes. Everyday day news show images of children and families fleeing unspeakable violence in the

most desperate ways possible. We believe that bringing refugees into Canada is a good idea and

we are with the idea of helping those in need. Just like the other great nations, Canada as well

should step up and help alleviate the devastation. Stepping up and helping these people will

demonstrate kindness and compassion and we believe that it is rightfully a point of pride for


Most of you here are probably thinking that bringing refugees into Canada is not a good idea and

that our safety will be in the line, but that is not quit the
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All the refugees that we will welcome in

Canada will eventually empower us with their entrepreneurial talents. They will start their own

businesses, they will invest by buying homes for their families as well as join our work force and

enroll in our schools. All of these things will grow our economy.

These people are in a big danger in their country and they live their daily life in a place where

they are not guaranteed that they will stay alive. Each day they live under the fear of getting

attacked by bombing or get killed by random shootings and thats why we believe that we should

help them get out of their because we are able to help and it would be sad if we didn't do anything

about it.

The number has been in the news for weeks, Justin Trudeau had announced that Canada will be

taking in 25,000 through out this year, but according to professor Randall Hansen, director of the

Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at the University of Toronto, says that a

country as large and rich as Canada could easily resettle 100,000 Syrian refugees over the next two

or three years. Bringing in all these Syrian refugees would mean be a big contribution from