Persuasive Essay On Rehabilitation Vs. Punishment

Words: 869
Pages: 4

In this essay I chose to talk about Rehabilitation Vs. Punishment. I personally have a fair bias view towards helping the criminal. I feel that people are truly good, but that some people, a small percentage, have some sort of chemical balance wrong in their head that makes them, evil. I feel everyone should be helped instead of punished, but some should still be imprisioned depending on if they stole something compared to murdering someone on purpose. In this essay I will talk about a number of things that have to do with why I feel this way.

The system has a multitude of options when dealing with people convicted of a crime. We have fines, probation, community service, short term sentences in jail or longer sentences and death. Goals of people going through the justice system are to stop the deviant behavior, teach new skills and for many rehabilitate through therapy, drug and/or alcohol counseling. Unfortunately there are people who are unfit to return to society. These people are normally sentenced to life in prision, or in some states, they are sentenced to death. Minus death, getting
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Which one gives society the feeling of being safe and not having to worry? I believe the answer lives somewhere in the middle. Commiting a crime without being punished doesnt do anything for the person who commited the crime, but being punished without rehabilitation, whether it be an education, therapy, or drug/alcohol program, doesnt help the offender. So Rehabilitation or punishment? In my opinion you can’t achieve the first without the second and if you only inflict punishment you have no hope of rehabilitation being achieved however if I had to choose one over the other the choice is rehabilitation because rehabilitation and treatment are much more effective than imprisonment because rehabilitation and treatment focus on fixing a person and getting them help rather than just telling them their choices were wrong and locking them behind