Persuasive Essay On Right To Bear Arms

Words: 525
Pages: 3

This I Believe Our own U.S Americans are thinking that guns are killers, and they protest that we shouldn’t have guns and that the government should take them away and ban guns. Well these people are wrong, and I bet none of the protesters have ever shot a gun in their lifetime and don’t know how to shoot a firearm, there is a certain amount of pounds on a trigger. Meaning that a human must be behind the gun and pull the trigger, knowing that the human is the murder. The second amendment is a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, and the right to bear arms should not be infringed, meaning that it should not be taken away from us. The second amendment allows us to own rifles, and what do we do with rifles, we go hunting with them. Yeah that's right if the second amendment is taken away then the animal's population will increase at an astounding rate and sooner or later we will have mountain lions in our backyard and you won’t know what to do. Also adding on to hunting, many citizens love to do it and for some that might be their pastime or even their …show more content…
Man that would be sweet, not having to worry about you guns being taken away and you could own as many firearms as possible. In addition our Declaration of Independence made it clear that all human being are endowed with certain unalienable right, that the government, is entitled to protect those rights. What happened to that? yes I know that some of the government still follows that rule but the rest is mean and cruel and, they want to get rid of guns permanently and give them away to our enemies. To me that is plain out stupid and we need to fight and choose better leaders to run our country, Barack Obama is a terrible leader and we should have never picked him as