Persuasive Essay On Spring Sports Injury

Words: 670
Pages: 3

It's that time of year again when most of us start thinking of how we're going to move all of that snow while trying to protect our backs. Winter lovers will hope for snow so they can hit the slopes, trails, and get on their sleds. If you're more of a spring sport enthusiast, you're hoping that spring comes quicker than it actually will. Now is the time to prepare for the upcoming season. In our latest e-news, we'll discuss common injuries in overhead throwing athletes, the misconceptions in rehabilitation of these athletes, and ways to prevent injury before they occur. Rotator cuff tears, labrum tears, UCL tears, Tommy John surgery, Little League elbow, shoulder instability, and shoulder impingement - if any of these sound scary, or if you have actually had one of these injuries, you know they are something to stay clear of. These are some of the most common arm and thrower injuries that can lead to significant pain and time lost from your active lifestyle and sport. The good news is that most of the time these injuries can be prevented before they ever occur. …show more content…
The days of performing excessive internal and external rotation strengthening with resistive bands are over, as rehabilitation of the overhead throwing athlete takes a more global approach with linking kinematic chains in the entire body. Yes, it is true that rotator cuff strength and endurance are very important to the throwing athlete - but we now know that an individual's core, hip, leg strength and balance play a critical