Persuasive Essay On Tattoos And Piercings

Words: 504
Pages: 3

As society grows and changes more people are dyeing their hair unnatural colors, getting tattoos and piercings. Many people like all of those unique changes but some do not. Many occupations have a dress code which prevents workers from not only wearing what they want, but also from making changes to their appearances. We all are unique and some people like to show that in how they look. As long as the clothing they wear contains no vulgar or derogatory words than they should be able to wear what they want. Changes in hair also show personality. Some people even show their emotions through their hair. Now, tattoos and piercing have been stereotyped into being dangerous and bad when they are not. Tattoos are art and piercing just metal in …show more content…
If someone wants to wear shorts they can. If someone wants to wear a shirt with a lot of cleavage than they can. What someone wears does not define what kind of worker they are. There are some people who might try and wear offensive clothing with vulgar words and they should be told not to wear that but everyone else should not be turned away because of what they wear. In today’s society many people dye their hair unnatural colors. Natural colors are not as common anymore. Someone’s hair color should not determine whether they are a good worker or not. Hair is an outer attribute and does not mean anything about the person. Changes in hair can show character but it does not always mean that hair color is a representation of that person. It gives people individuality. To judge someone by their hair is poor judgement. Tattoos and piercings have a very poor reputation. Many people assume people who have said changes are bad people and that is wrong. Tattoos are forms of art. People tell stories with their tattoos. Someone’s whole life could be displayed on their skin. Also, piercings can be very expensive. For one lip piercing it could cost up to $80. Someone who is willing to pay that much would easily pass up on a job if that job meant they had to remove their piercings. Companies could lose a very good worker because of