Persuasive Letter About Water Pollution

Words: 525
Pages: 3

Dear Mr. President Earth’s fresh water supply is practically gone and “about 97.5% of Earth’s water resides in the oceans and is too salty to drink or to use to water crops” (Laposata &Withgott, 2014, pg. 391). I hope you can do the math, but that leaves us humans with less than 3% of fresh surface water. I often buy bottled water because I do not trust my own tap water. I recycle my bottles, and I try to reuse when I know I will be in a trusted water source. There are just so many chemicals that are used to treat the water that is sent into the public system. I prefer not to see things floating in my water and that is why I will go out of my way to find clean water.

There are many chemicals used in the water and generally the public needs it. The chemical treatment is done for reasons like; water pollution from diseases, oil spills, erosion, toxic chemical spills, and the continued use of large ships. You need to understand that water pollution can take many forms and have caused many deaths and
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president how about some more numbers that come straight from the United States. “In the United Stated, an estimated 20 million people fall ill each year from drinking water contaminated with pathogens” (Laposata &Withgott, 2014, pg.408). You don’t even want to know what these nasty chemicals do to children worldwide. I have presented a problem that is killing people here in your own country. Sir you can treat this with heavy regulations being put on those problem areas and getting all areas of the Earth working correctly again.
The natural cleaning system has been badly affected by the salt levels rising in the oceans and heavy pollution. If one system is damaged, then it goes down a line of failing to clean the water. Even if the middle stage or the last stages are failing than the whole system fails. The water is not clean nor is the water safe for humans. I believe if a cleaning system is failing you are the person to try and get in contact with about fixing