Persuasive Speech On Aliens

Words: 492
Pages: 2

What would you do if you woke up on an alien planet with no real memory? Imagine a dystopian world, black skies, ash-covered ground, the whole nine yards. What can a man with no ‘real’ past accomplish here? Many people assume that aliens are beings of pure evil. Movies and pop-culture have drilled that idea into the heads of our youth. The question nobody asks is ‘Are we the aliens? Can we be that evil?’ To clarify, movies like “The Matrix” or “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” don't happen on a daily basis. There is no ‘chosen one’ to save the day, just an average guy like you or me. Point being, an alien planet might not seem as bad as we make it out to be.
No world is just black-and-white, there are many shades of gray that exist between the two. Let's say that aliens feed off of our memories. Whose to say that is morally wrong? Just like these aliens, we harvest other animals for our own benefit, slaughtering them
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Just skim through movies akin to “Alien Vs. Predator” or “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” even “Signs”. The list could fill up an entire page of these senseless titles. My favorite example of the human race being the bad guy is in “Men in Black”. This is where Agent J. (portrayed by Will Smith) is put into a series of tests to see if he could handle the stress of fighting aliens. As all the other military veterans immediately fired their guns in the direction of all the monsters, J simply took a single shot at the small child that the ‘monsters’ were attacking. When prompted as to why he shot the child, J replies with ‘Those monsters were just having a rough day, and what kind of child is studying thermonuclear physics?’The point I'm trying to make here is that most of the world today is trigger happy. They'd rather shoot first and then ask questions later, instead of taking the time to clearly ponder the situation at