Persuasive Speech On Little Italythis

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Pages: 2

The hardships aren't over. Once you have arrived you would find a place called Little Italythis is located in East Harlem. Here they are were people like themselves and can be surrounded by people that reminds them of home. Such asthenosphere language and food. You will have to live in damp smelly cellars or attics, or up to six or 10 people, men, woman and children packed into crowded single rooms,As you entered the overcrowded tenement buildings, you were greeted with a nauseating stench emanating from unwashed bodies, rags, old bottles, stale cooking odors and accumulating garbage heaps in the rooms. But don't be alarmed by this once you get money you'll be able to get a place of your own and experience the true American dream. You will need to work in order to survive, try finding a job as, street cleaning as well as public construction work. A large number went into the peddler business, selling fruit and vegetables, as well as working as waiters in restaurants and hotels. But railroad work will suit you best. Please do not become a stereotypic Italian who makes the mistake of not being educated, this will only make you fail, prioritize reading and …show more content…
Nativist favors the interest of established inhabitants over that of immigrants. Preaches for that of old value. You will not be welcomed in America. You might be verbally abused by name calling such as "wop," "guinea," and "dago." Most Immigrants are constantly subjected to abuse, because the Americans would accuse them of taking away their jobs, by willing to work for much less than they would. Often stereotyped and discriminated against, the Italian immigrant suffered verbal and physical abuse because they were "different." Just remember that these nativist were once immigrants to. There judgment is just clouded by greed. They too were once in your place but became well enough to do such things. Not all Americans are like this, just work on thriving and not becoming what they