Persuasive Speech Outline

Words: 587
Pages: 3

General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade my listeners that Water is highly beneficial to the human population.
Central idea: To express the significance of having and living with water in our everyday lives.
l. Attention Material
A. Water is a natural healing component, also known as “the Water Cure.”
1. The fact that many people throughout the world aren’t using enough water. It’s statistically stated that a lot of individuals are dehydrated, initiating your body’s management system to conserve water, thus being thirsty.
2. How individuals in a society view water and why it’s considered to be less favorable amongst a community.
B. Comparison of Europe to America
1. W.I.S.E (Water Information System For Europe)
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Throughout many years, Europe has put forth efforts to establish the Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s water resources. Many have been called unsanitary and unsuitable for human consumption


l. Two-thirds of the earth’s surface is covered by water.

A. Water has been used on multiple occasions to display purity and devotion. In some cultures, water is worshiped and is involved in the religion aspect.
B. Traditional and modern medicines use water in fulfillment of therapy.
1. For centuries in some places, water holds as a foundation for the development of cities and mainly rural environments.
2. Polluted water has been purified in highly populated places, so why not in societies or locations that need its benefits?
3. How do you know the water you’re drinking is pure? Recent studies show that water in specific places with commercially polluted with chemicals that are unable to view with the human eye. ll. The truth about Water
Studies show that chlorine can cause heart disease and produce other cancerous materials that can be effective to your body on a daily basis.
Giardia and cryptosporidium causes.
U.S Health Officials estimate 900,000 people each year become ill, and possibly 900 die from waterborne disease