Pet Peeve Of Self Denial Essay

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Pages: 3

Speech on pet peeve of self denial
I hate it when people choose to not believe they can do something, they deny their potential, and doubt their ability. They are low on themselves, and don’t believe they can do things that in reality they can. For example, There was a junior last year, in the toughest know Concurrent enrollment class offered at bear River High School, and a precalculus class, also know as secondary math honors three. He struggled through the high school precalculus class, but excelled at the college class. At the end of the trimester he got his report card. A solid B in the college class. Sadly a low D+ in precalculus B. What was the difference? Confidence, that was the difference. He believed he could get a good grade in the college class, but he did not have strong confidence that he could do well in his math class. What it comes down to is potential. Each of us have potential, and his was not in math, that was his belief. In fact he had a low self-esteem in his math class.
That is up next a low self esteem, specifically it’s link to depression. 85% of the world's population are affected by low self esteem (“some”). When people have a low self esteem their chances are higher of having depression.
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“More often than not, people fail to keep their resolutions blame their own lack of willpower” (diamond). In other words their lack of self control. Let that sink in. Lack of being able to motivate themselves to accomplish their desires. How many of you hear the words I can’t? Not I don’t want to, or not I don’t like too, but I can’t. I know I hear it a lot, and the sad thing is they are right.“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right” (Henry Ford). Which brings us to the ideas of optimistic people, and pessimistic people. (brief wrap up) One says the glass is half full, indicating they believe it to be half there. The other says the glass is half empty. Which one believes in