Petition Of The Nobles To Phillip II And William Of Oranges

Words: 136
Pages: 1

Herbert H. Rowen translated the April 5th, 1566 Petition of the Nobles to Phillip II and William of Oranges April 14th, 1572 Call to Arms which were both published in his book, “The Low Countries in Early Modern Times: A Documentary History” (Separation of the Low Countries). The Petition to Phillip II was written by a group of so called “Beggarly Nobles”, who felt that the foreign invaders were only interested in advancing their own desires without any regard for God or the health, safety, and well-being of the Low Countries (The Compromise Petition). William of Orange wrote the Call for the Separation of the Low Countries from Spain to address how people were forced to endure severely excessive tax increases (ranging from ten through thirty