Wonderful Pew Research Paper

Submitted By mary153
Words: 1351
Pages: 6

Wonderful Pew
People have a social nature. They can not live isolated from each other. Most people like to make relationships and communicate with other people, so they gather in places to express themselves. These places began to grow more and more to accommodate the largest number of people. Then someone installs a variety of devices, such as lights, air conditioning, and Seating. One of the kinds of comfortable seating is a pew.
Of the three constants in America--God, apple pie, and church pews--pews continue to remain popular. Pews make a church feel . . . well, like a church.
Pew used especially in congregation in the churches, religious halls, and different places of worship or sometimes in a courtroom. Pew provides comfort and encourage people to share space. Pews are often the most expensive furnishing a church will purchase after the building itself.When a church erects a sanctuary, building committees choose pews for a sense of permanence and stability. Except for multipurpose applications--for instance, when a congregation uses worship space for classrooms, fellowship, or recreational activities--pews are a practical solution.Though some want more flexibility than pews allow, most worship settings still find the congregation facing the same direction each week. Even in nontraditional, innovative, and contemporary worship, the focus is up front.
Builders who plan seating capacity for churches generally follow building codes that require 18 inches per person. By comparison, coach seats on airlines are only 19 inches wide. But Americans like their space. When they sit down in church, they tend to spread out—to the average of 20 to 26 inches including purses, Bibles, and other items.
Usually skilled carpenters make pews. They can use different kinds of timber (heavy or light, strong or mild). The carpenters can make different shapes of these pews the most popular one is the straight pew. But sometimes they design curve pews that depends on the place where the pew will be installed. The carpenters use several pieces of wood and put it together to make the body of the pew (seat and back). After that they tight these pieces together by screws. Behind the back of each pew the carpenters make a small space like pocket or small slots to hold prayer books and Bibles.
Many churches are enjoying the aesthetics of curved pews, also called radius pews. New Holland, a pioneer in curved pews, say that they have an even larger seating capacity then straight, mitered pews. “The radius pew will provide maximum seating in a given worship space,” says Ragan. He points out that people don't like sitting at the angle where straight, mitered pews come together because their knees are too close. He feels that radius pews add to the community feeling of the worship experience.
Pews are arranged in rows facing the stage. Usually a pathways are left between the pews so that people can access the front. Some people prefer to put the pews in a circle or square. Pews can be painted in any color. Most of the time building committees prefer to use brown paint. Also, in children’s rooms pews are painted in bright different colors like red, pink, and green to bring joy for them. Sometimes pews are painted with a shiny substance that makes pews look smooth when people touch them. Pews have to be given a facelift. Many old pews have accumulated a lot of scratches and scrapes over the years .
Most modern construction of quality furniture, for home or church, requires proper planning and engineering. This means using the correct materials in the right place--often referred to as composite construction. Combining engineered wood products, solid wood, and multi-ply plywoods in the construction process increases a pew's stability over a long period of time. Composite construction makes it possible for churches to find a lifetime warranty for new pews.
Most people think pews are made only of solid wood. In fact, because of technological advances,