Philip Zimbardo's Evil: What Is It?

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Pages: 4

Evil is like a dark force outside of ourselves that makes everyone vulnerable. Where does this evil come from and how do we get rid of it? Mostly, we see the end products of evil, but not the processes of it. I guess we mostly focus on what the results of what evil has caused but we don’t see how evil has processed in a human being. In the video “Evil: what is it?” we see how evil is processed. The National Geographic Production has developed a video on how evil has been processed and does scientifically studies on the human brain about making decisions. The reason why we see so much violence in the news is because there’s hate in this world.
In 1971, Philip Zimbardo experiments with humans was to see what extent an ordinary people would commit evil acts. His study had of 18 volunteers which were five prison guards and thirteen prisoners. The guards were told to act with authority over the prisoners. This was supposed to be a two-week experiment until they had to
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Having these emotion or sparks to feel evil is whether you were raised in an unhealthy situation. Maybe you’ve experience a traumatic event in your life that you could either seek for revenge or start off with the wrong foot and get into trouble that could escalate in to jail time. This video was very useful and it showed some strong situations in which you would ask yourself, “What should I do?” Speaking out to a friend or a family member will help out release our stress or even help us out in the most difficult time of your life. We as humans are always in a battlefield every day. Hate against love, light against dark, right against wrong and good against evil. All the suffering and the deaths that we see in this world today is because man has chosen to make wrong choices and choose to stand by evil and not love. Paul stood up for what he believed was right, so I think we should start doing that as well and start speaking