Philosophy Of Personal Wellness

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Pages: 8

Personal wellness can mean different things to different people. Some people focus solely on the spiritual branch of wellness and the balance in life. Others really push the physical side of wellness, and they focus on maintaining optimum health. In reality, wellness encompasses a wide variety of aspects in our lives. One can achieve personal wellness in areas such as spiritual and physical wellness as mentioned before, but also in areas such as academics, mental/emotional wellness, interpersonal/social awareness, and service. I would currently like to focus on all six of these branches of wellness. Most importantly, I would like to achieve a more well-rounded level of wellness in the areas besides academics because I feel like I focus on …show more content…
Being physically fit improves mental function and tends to improve happiness as well. Another way to increase emotional wellbeing is to eliminate stress. Unfortunately, stress plays a big role in my life right now. I am always thinking about the next thing I have to get done. My first goal for emotional wellness is to take the time each week to meditate or simply relax for one hour. In my eyes, this can include coloring, doing yoga, or journaling. All three of these things relax me and get my mind off of things. It is important to take the time to focus only on myself because I can’t do anything else if I am not taken care of. I plan to achieve this goal by physical writing in time for relaxation in my …show more content…
According to the American Counseling Association, keeping in touch with important people is necessary for social wellness (“Wellness”). There is no limit to how long I would like to talk to each family member. I will simply talk as long as each one wants to talk to me. I think that it is okay to have family take up a big chunk of my time. They are very important to me, and I don’t want our relationships to change because I am not at the house anymore. Every Sunday, as I’m doing my laundry, I will call home. I could even write it on a sticky note to remind myself further. I have also informed my mom of this. She will hold me accountable to my goal. I may make strong bonds with my friends, but I believe that my family bonds should be the strongest; that is why this goal is the most important to