Phoenix The Mythical Firebird

Words: 359
Pages: 2

In 1603 the German astronomer, Johann Bayer of Augsburg, developed twelve new constellations in the southern hemisphere. Among the twelve Bayer constellations is Phoenix, which he named for the mythical Firebird. The mythical bird, phoenix is known as the sacred fire bird across many mythologies: Greek, Egyptian, Roman, and much more. The phoenix was said to have resembled an eagle with purple, red and gold feathers, and a scarlet and gold tail. When it reached the end of its lifespan, the phoenix would build itself a nest at the top of a palm tree, using incense and cinnamon bark, then ignite the nest and die in the fire. A new bird would be born from its father’s body and, when the young phoenix was strong enough, it would take the nest and