Physical Restraint Definition

Words: 633
Pages: 3

The purpose of this literature review is to explore the efficacy of the physical restraint of adult patients in an acute psychiatric inpatient setting. It will investigate the nurse’s experience of using physical restraint, and other interventions employed to contain violence and aggression. Despite many advances in psychiatry, violence and aggression continues to be problematic in inpatient settings, therefore it is widely accepted that physical restraint is an integral part of effective inpatient care. However this is an issue which concerns mental health nurses and consumer rights groups, considering their desire to aim for a restraint- free environment (Bigwood & Crowe, 2008).
It is reported that violence and aggression is prevalent in acute psychiatric inpatient settings, the Mental Health Commission recorded 3,063 episodes of physical restraint reported in 52 approved centres in 2012, showing a decrease of 9 episodes compared to those recorded in 2011 (2014). In response to this it is common for coercive interventions such as physical restraint to be used; it is recognised as a risk management strategy for temporarily controlling immediate violence and aggression (Duxbury, 2015). Although conflict may not be avoidable in these settings, its incidence can be reduced with the use of prevention strategies and
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It cannot be prolonged beyond the period necessary to contain the aggression or