Physical Therapy And Family Therapy

Words: 476
Pages: 2

After a physical injury, you probably make an appointment to see your family physician to ease the pain and for further treatment. Of course, the family physician is equipped with the basic knowledge to treat a painful injury, but the doctor might refer you to a (-- removed HTML --) physical therapist (-- removed HTML --) for further treatment. The fact is that this health professional is a very important part of the healthcare team and offers more involved treatment and therapy than your family physician. Here are 4 things physical therapists are able to do that your doctor might not be able to do.

Take A Risk Assessment
A visit to your family physician for treatment probably involves taking a full physical checkup to determine your condition. Certainly, the same is true for physical the professional therapists. Here is the deal. The therapist will perform a (-- removed HTML --) complete full movement screen (-- removed HTML --) examination along with a postural assessment and determine your weak points. The tests are performed to give you and the therapist a better view of your physical abilities, flexibility, range of motion to move, stand, walk, or run.

Design Suitable Workout Programs
Your family doctor is great at
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(-- removed HTML --) Physical therapists (-- removed HTML --) really make a difference in the amount of time that it takes to recover from an injury. The therapist has excellent knowledge concerning tools, equipment, treatments, that will speed your recovery time. For example, the therapist might require you to receive massages on your limbs to speed up recovery by boosting blood flow and promoting healing. The therapist might recommend compression socks, sleeves, or pants to speed up recovery too. Those products work similarly to massage by increasing blood flow, reducing inflammation, and promoting