The Concept Of Motion

Submitted By Jessica-Montross
Words: 374
Pages: 2

The vertical distance an upwardly launched projectile falls beneath the straight, no gravity line, is the same as a vertically falling object=1/2gt^ or 5t^

There is no horizontal acceleration, horizontal motion is constant

Projectile angles determine the horizontal component size, the steeper (greater angle) the lesser of a horizontal component there is. “Horizontal ranges”

Fact: the same horizontal range is obtained from 2 different angles-ones that add up to 90 degrees, for the smaller angle it would remain in the air for less time, it is not as high up

With air resistance curve falls significantly lower than ideal path

Earths curve speed would have to reach 8 km/s or 18,000 mi/h

Resultant^=component 1^ + component 2^

A square (2=components) is 1.414 times each length

Soh cah toa, vertical line=opposite, horizontal line=adjacent, to find angle -tan,-cos,-sin blank/blank (2nd setting on calc.)

Aristotle thoughts: Natural motion is straight up or down, heavy things fall down and light things go up. Violent motion is imposed motion, result of unnatural forces pushing or pulling

Nicolaus Copernicus was first to discover earth moved around sun

Galileo demolished idea that force is necessary to keep an object moving, force is any push or pull. Friction is name given to the opposing force that act between materials. He discovered that only when friction is present is it necessary to keep an object moving. His experiment: two inclined planes, the smoother the planes