Piaget's Cognitive Development Essay

Submitted By Cass123456789
Words: 344
Pages: 2

Piaget's theory of cognitive development is a theory about the nature and development of human aptitude. It was originally known as a developmental stage theory but it actually deals with how people acquire, construct and gain knowledge. According to the child psychologist himself, Jean Piaget stated that children progress through a series of four cognitive developmental stages. These steps define how children come to understand the world. Jean Piaget claimed that children are always trying to explore and discover new things around them. Through Piaget's observation of children, as well as his own, he developed a stage theory of intellectual development and growth which included four stages. These stages are the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage and the formal operational stage. Each of these stages cover the development of intelligence broken down into different age groups and are each characterized differently. After studying Piaget's theory then applying it to the life of my sister, I found his theory very compatible to the intellectual development of Vanessa. When I was searching for pictures to demonstrate each phase it was very easy. Each of the stages fit my sisters behavior throughout her cognitive development. I agree on key concepts that Piaget modeled his studies by such as egocentrism, animism and role play. My sister exemplified all of these ideas, some of which I remember experiencing. I too believe that children