Plato's Conceit: Property At Jamestown

Words: 1013
Pages: 5

The final aspect to of the American Dream is Private Property. Therefore we, as Americans can own land which we can turn into are homes, and businesses, and whatever we feel necessary. In the chapter written by Thomas Bethell named Plato’s Conceit: Property at Jamestown and Plymouth it explains how private property can enhance one’s life, and how it can benefit a town, or a city. This chapter explains how private property effected two different colonies, Jamestown and Plymouth. In James town, the colonist had a very hard time adapting to the land. Famine, and disease along with the constant attack from the Indians led to devastation of the colony. The colonist worked as indentured servants for the first seven years of being there until considered free. Thomas Dales realized that being so far away from the motherland most …show more content…
One has the choice to be the best they can be and achieve all goals or choose not to. It exhibits The Idea of Moral Law because it proves we need others, a business cannot be a business if there is no one to sell their products too. We must treat others well and have mutual benefits. It makes people have respect for property, for theirs and others. This is because if somebody else owns something it is simply there, and it will make s be more productive to own are own thing whether that be land, or goods. Through an emphasis on work and thrift it would help us not only save money but also teach us self-control. This is important because with no self-control you cannot have respect. With no respect it is impossible to sell a product and would make my American dream unreachable. The most important idea in the Northwood ide as that “He who cheats another, Cheats Himself”, this relates to the American Dream as I said in this paper one must be diligent and be true to himself. That is how people will fulfill their