Plato’s Republic Essay

Submitted By strengboy
Words: 1598
Pages: 7

Plato’s Republic We have learned many articles in the Introduction to Philosophy class this semester. Plato’s Republic is one of them. The Republic is ancient Greece philosopher, thinker and educator Plato’s important dialogue body masterpiece. Belong to the middle works of Plato in his academic career. The book consists of ten volumes, in Plato's works all his life, not only is the longest length, but also content is very rich, the thought is profound, involving all aspects of the philosophy, especially view of his political philosophy, epistemology are discussed in detail. As other masterpieces of Plato, the Republic is a book with beautiful language, extremely rich literary value. Reading this book, not only can be defined in question and answer, and refute the exercise philosophy thinking ability, in the process of delving into some important philosophical problem, and at the same time also can get a beautiful enjoyment. In this essay, I will try to point out one of Plato’s main points and his fallacy. People pursuits perfection, but reality is always not perfect, it's full of flaws or even sinful. In the gap between "what one wants” and “what is truth ", and people’s none stop pursuit of the perfect, drives some people with outstanding thinking and temperament of idealism to sketch one and one ideal world. Plato’s perfect, especially showing in his faith in knowledge, and resolutely carry out the beliefs of knowledge in all aspects of the republic. His republic is the most important and most characteristic of the proposition of philosophers rule as well as the later on the sentiments of justice, we can say they all come from the derivation of his belief knowledge. Plato believed that people construct countries is because everyone can't count on themselves to meet the various needs. To meet this need, everyone gathered together, and provide services to each other, therefore constitute the city-state. However, ordinary people often don't know which need and which ought not to meet. And also don't know how to cooperate for achieving a best state, casting out a perfect country – a country full of happiness. He is convinced that only knowledge can lead a good country. Therefore, countries should govern by the people with highest knowledge. But there are differences between the people’s talent, only a few people with highest talent can master the highest knowledge. Plato used the legend of the Phoenicians, according to the talent; people are divided into three grades of gold, silver, copper, iron. He used gold and silver compared with the intellectual part of human nature. He argues, among people with gold, the best talent, can produce philosophers. They are the people that eyes are staring at the truth, and hold the highest knowledge, so they should become the state controller. People with less talent should be defenders to bear the country. And those with worst talent whose thoughts are covered by all kinds of desire, their responsibility is engaged in the production and business, obey the rule of controller and defenders. Plato, himself, thinks the design of the ideal world is perfect, but it makes people live in which not so wonderful, because the height of both hierarchical and authoritarian ideal world. To this end, he was attacked by so many Democrats and the liberal thinker. But Plato's utopia is not unreasonable. He advocated the hierarchy and totalitarian dictatorship is essentially a kind of knowledge. This vision comes from the knowledge of his faith, it also contains that he inherited from his great teacher Socrates's fundamental belief that knowledge is virtue. This means that all of his ideas are based on the judgment, knowledge and virtue, true kindness are stick together. With the highest knowledge which at the same time is the highest virtue can reach for a good man. Plato put forward such an ideal is too vulnerable to criticism of the dictatorship of the knowledge, in