PMP Module 3 Essay

Submitted By jdm436
Words: 475
Pages: 2

PMP Module 3 –

Project Management Knowledge Areas and Process Groups

Project Management Processes
What is a process? - a process is a set of interrelated actions and activities performed to create a pre-specific product, service or result.
Input and output are never the same
Process are characterized by what? - by its inputs, the tools and techniques that can be applied, and by the resulting outputs.
What should be considered for ALL processes, even if not explicitly cited? -
Organizational process assets
Enterprise environmental factors
Successful projects
Tailored processes
Stakeholder engagement
Meet stakeholder expectations
Balance competing constraints
Schedule Triple constraints
Budget (cost)

Project Management Process Groups
1. Initiating Process Group
a. New project/phase authorization
2. Planning Process Group
a. Pans, objectives, courses of action
3. Executing Process Group
a. Complete the work
4. Monitoring and Controlling Process Group
a. Track, review, regulate, report performance
5. Closing Process Group
a. Finalize all process group activities

Process Group / Project Phase Interactions (Plan Do Check Act – PDCA)

Project Life Cycle Phases Start ->Organize/Prepare -> Carry out work -> Close

Project Management Process Groups –
Diagram from PMBOK 5

1 - Initiating Process Group
Define new project or phase
Develop the Project Charter
Initial scope defined
Financial resources committed
Stakeholders identified
Project boundary defined
Success criteria verified
Project mgr assigned, authority defined
New Project Phase
Get authorization to proceed
2 - Planning Process Group
Primary activities
Establish total scope
Refine objectives
Develop course of action
Develop project management plan
Project document
Engage in progressive elaboration
Key benefit toward success
Strategy, tactics, course of action
Alignment with organizational goals
3 - Executing Process Group
Perform the work
Coordinate people, resources
Manage stakeholder expectations
Satisfy project specifications
Changes to resources, risk
Plan updates
4 - Monitoring and Controlling Process Group
Continuous monitoring
Track, review, orchestrate progress
Initiate integrated change controls
Key benefits
Project performance
Variances identified
Corrective, preventative actions
5 - Closing Process Group (project or phase)
Conclude all activities across all process