Poem Analysis Of 'Chaitivel' By Maria De France

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Pages: 3

“Wasn’t looking for someone to fight/ the defenders saw them coming”. The narrative this is focusing on is the “Chaitivel” by Maria de France. In the poem, a man is getting chosen for a lady, but she seems to like them all and can’t make up her mind of which one she wants to spend her life together with. There was a tie between all of the men so a battle occurs and only one man survives, so he gets the attention of the lady that mourns for the lost of the other three men. This brings the knight and the lady to a conversation that he tells the lady how he feels. Maria de France illustrates the theme of the matters of the heart in “Chaitivel”.
This poem takes place when choosing a man for a lady to spend the rest of her and his life together,
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The other three knights tried their best to win over the heart of the lady but she couldn’t just choose one. So a battle was called on and they ended up going into battle together and they stuck together in the beginning but in the end they split up and three were killed so the lady only got one anyway. To the knight that had lived “ the lady to the knight had spoken,/ then, overcome by her great sorrow,/ but her head, her face in shadow”(181-183). The lady just stop talking and was in deep concentration it caught the knights attention. The knight that has survived sees the lady in deep thought thinking about the three knights she has lost.“With so many such griefs you torture me,/ I’d be better off dead, truth to tell” ( 222-223). He explains to the lady that it's unfair to him to have survived and have her company but she sits there in his presence thinking about the ones she lost. But it's not totally bad this leads to a conversation about a new name for the poem and the knight came up with “The Four Mournings”. This new title is about the four men that all loved the lady so much they were tortured with it.
People are always going to have choices to make in life, but not all of them are gonna be easy to make. Also they aren’t always gonna get what you want outta