Police Brutality Issues

Words: 1673
Pages: 7

Several Issues take place around the world everyday as the 24 hours pass on by, one of these world wide issues is the action of police brutality. Police Brutality is a problem because there are innocent people getting abused by the ones who are supposed to be protecting them. We need to put a stop to this horrifying issue by coming together and demanding a change. Individuals can demand that the officers do their job and protect the people instead of harming them.
Police Brutality is an issue that occurs everywhere around the US and puts the rights of citizens at risk. This issue indeed takes place everywhere and affects the rights of the humane society.In the article “Shielded from Justice: Police Brutality and Accountability in the United States” , the author Allison Collins explained, “Police Brutality is one of the most serious, enduring, and divisive human rights violations in the United States.” (112)This quote ties into the point that was previously addressed which was the fact that police brutality mainly occurs in the US. Not only is this happening drastically in this particular country, it’s
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Although things like this take place the lives that are in danger seem to have no idea what’s going on. In the article, “Race and Police Brutality: Roots of an Urban Dilemma” the authors Malcolm D. Holmes, Brad W. Smith state, “A further search of the literature revealed a lack of reliable evidence concerning whether citizens race/ethnicity plays a role in the use of police brutality.”(7) There are thoughts and actions that lead people to thinking police brutality is a racial issue. Although this can be true, there isn’t a specific race that justifies who this action is forced upon. Its obvious that this can happen to anyone, it’s just a matter of the type of police force. Since this can happen to anyone, the thought of it bringing danger to anyone and everyone is