Political Correctness Vs Inclusive Language

Words: 439
Pages: 2

Q.1: Compare and contrast political correctness and inclusive language I think that both political correctness and inclusive language, in its most pure state is where they both try to not offend or exclude anyone by using terms that society and the person deems right to use(firefighter instead of fireman). The difference between the two is that political correctness seems to be the more extreme of the two because it can escalate very quickly and people seem to do it because it's what society or others tell them too, even if it conflicts with their beliefs and values, they do it to gain favor of others. Inclusive language on the other hand is where you actively include others and not because others tell you too.

Q.2: To what extent do you think political correctness has gone too far? Explain with examples

I believe that political correctness has gone too far because people can get so overwhelmed with being politically correct they can actually make the situation worse and overshadow the original problem to start with. For example, during the ‘black lives
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What will you do differently

I will try to be more inclusive towards what other people would like me to call them and not assume their gender. I am guilty of usually assuming a person’s gender and sometimes I just avoid saying words like he or she if I’m not sure, I will try to ask, if I’m not sure, what I can call them instead of assuming their gender or straight up avoid to say it.

Q4.How does this topic connect with sociolinguistics

Political correctness connects to sociolinguistics because political correctness is using language that no one can be offended by and sociolinguistic looks at how social factors affect language so changes made by political correctness like gender neutral words are social factors that affect how people talk to one another and sociolinguistics look at those trends in relation to the evolution of our