Political Influences In Hamlet

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Pages: 2

One important cultural issue to note is the political influences in the society of “Hamlet”. Much like today’s society whether you are rich or poor effects how society sees you. Ophelia, Hamlet, and Claudius are all affected by the political influence in the Denmark society.
One of the first examples of political influences in “Hamlet” is shown between the relationship of Hamlet and Ophelia. Ophelia learns that since she is not royalty or in a high enough status in the royal court, she is not seen as a worthy suitor for Hamlet, therefore, she cannot marry him. Polonius tells Ophelia, “do not believe his vows, for they are brokers” (1.3. 127) and Hamlet could never love Ophelia, but steal her chaste. Hamlet is able to get away with the murder of Polonius because hamlet is royalty and has followers who think he can do no wrong. The king and queen also do not want to bring bad publicity to the crown. On the flip side, Claudius is able to hide the murder of his brother, King Hamlet because he marries the Queen and becomes king himself. The Ghost tells Hamlet, “thus was I
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One of the most prominent examples is the political figure, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is able to get away with conspiracies that most people would be in jail for without question. Since Hillary is a powerful figure that has the money and the political pull to keep her out of trouble much like Claudius, she is able to push the issues aside. Claudius rises to power after the murder is committed and Hillary Clinton runs for president after rumors of private government secrets were exchanged. Both Claudius and Hillary use power to potentially cover up the rumors but Hillary has not been acquitted for the allegations. Today individuals usually marry and date inside their social class. Today politics stories come out of issues that were lied about and covered up by people that work for those political