Political Scandal In The Film All The Presidents Men

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Pages: 4

In the early 1970s a political scandal often referred to as Watergate arose and led to President Nixon being the first president to resign from office. The movie, All The Presidents Men, follows that crime that took place at The Watergate Hotel and how two reporters struggle to find the truth of what happened. Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward succeed in breaking their story with help from a confidential source whom they gave a false name. The scandal was able to show the crooked and deceitful acts able to be made when in the position of power. If Nixon and his aides had succeeded, they would have been in possession of information possibly harmful to his opponents if revealed to the public. In the 1972 presidential campaign, Nixon feared democratic nominee, Senator Ed Muskie, would surpass him. In order to keep that from happening, President Nixon was able to get the democratic party to nominate Senator George McGovern. Nixon was strongly confident he would be able to beat McGovern. If the information was in the hands of Nixon and his aides the committee of the democratic party would be greatly flawed. The two reporters on the story, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, had a confidential source they named Deep Throat. If the reporters had been forced to reveal their sources true identity the story would have have ceased. The …show more content…
Nixon was able to leave office without consequences and avoid being taken to trial. President Nixon knew the possibility of him prosecuted and also jailed and stepped down before being charged. The choice made by President Ford was controversial but it did help the country move forward with having a new president take office. I do not think Nixon’s pardoning was a good choice to make and I do believe Nixon had a say in the decision, unfortunately, making me think there probably weren't many choices given to President Ford at the