Ponyboy Curtis Case Study Essay

Words: 525
Pages: 3

Thump! Thump! Order in the court! Today's case is Ponyboy Curtis's case. According to his assignment that was assigned to him, he has been through a lot of things. His guardians died in a horrific accident, two of his closest friends have died, his has committed crime, and more. His case is that if he should be put in a foster home or he should be in care of his brother Darrell Curtis. My decision is that Ponyboy should be put in a foster home. I have came to this conclusion because of his health, his environment will be much better, and he will be in great care with responsible people.

Ponyboy's health is in jeopardy. Based on his assignment it states that Darrell had to limit Ponyboy's smoking habit to just one pack of cigarettes a day. This shows me that Ponyboy has been smoking more than one pack of cigarettes a day. If he goes to foster care he will most likely quit his habit or reduce this habit. The effects of the smoking habit can be very dangerous. Ponyboy's smoking habit has led him to be very sick to the point that has made him hallucinate. If he keeps on smoking it can cause him to have a lung disease, which includes emphysema and bronchitis. After that happens and does not quit it can get worse or he can even get lung cancer. If Ponyboy stays in care of his brother Darrell Curtis he would want to smoke because his friends and his brothers smoke. Otherwise in foster care they can make sure that he at least reduces the smoking habit.
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It is important to realize that in the residence of Ponyboy, there is violence and even outside their house there is violence and gang activities. In foster care he will not be able to be in any gang related activities and there will be no violence. In his assignment it says that the socs would sometimes follow them and they would want to