Popular Sovereignty Examples

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Pages: 3

The United State is made of six principle. Each principle has been used throughout our history. Popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balance, judicial review, and federalism are the six principle. Popular Sovereignty is a that the government will be doctrine or has belief of the people. This principle was mostly used during the Civil War era because the people wanted to know if slaves has popular sovereignty too. Stephen Douglas was a big supporter of the popular sovereignty in his debate with Abraham Lincoln, was known as Lincoln-Douglas debates. In his Freeport Doctrine speech in Freeport, Illinois, “I answer emphatically, as Mr. Lincoln has heard me answer a hundred times from every stump in Illinois, that in my opinion the people of a Territory can, by lawful means, exclude slavery from their limits prior to the formation of a State Constitution.” he even admitted to Lincoln. An example of popular …show more content…
This is the backbone of the U.S. belief that they don’t want a big government to control everything. This is found in different place of the constitution and in the ninth and tenth amendment. The Ninth amendment states, “The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” The rights of the people. Also the right of the States are found in the Tenth amendment which states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Separation of Powers is to split the government into three branches; executive, legislative, and judicial branch. In beginning of each Article 1,2, and 3 they invest the powers of the branches. Article 1 is the legislative branch, Article 2 is the executive branch, and Article 3 is the judicial