Post-Partum Depression Essay

Submitted By anya021
Words: 551
Pages: 3

Dara Cirasunda

“More Than Just The Blues: Unmasking Postpartum Depression”

There is much to learn about Postpartum Depression. It has been more recently acknowledged by physicians and society as a whole. However, the need for increased awareness is still at large. There are different types of mood disorders women can battle with after giving birth. Dr. Ruta Nonacs, MD, PH.D and Lauri Klein, LICSW discussed these disorders in their video.
Postpartum Blues is the most common and least destructive form of the disorders. Fifty to eighty percent of mothers suffer from “Baby Blues”. The onset is usually within one week of delivering. Most common symptoms of this disorder are feelings of sadness, mild anxiety and crying. Mothers still have positive feelings toward their baby and enjoy time spent with them. Symptoms tend to diminish without professional help.
Postpartum Depression is a more serious condition. This affects ten to fifteen percent of women. The symptoms can onset anywhere from immediately following birth to two-three months after. Anxiety is much more extreme, accompanied with feelings of hopelessness and despair. This disorder requires professional attention.
Postpartum Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is also a disorder that mothers may have difficulty with if psychiatric counseling is not sought. Constant, repetitive thoughts about dropping the baby or accidentally hurting the baby are common with this disorder.
The most severe type of the disorders is Postpartum Psychosis. It affects only one to two in one- thousand women. Onset of symptoms occurs within two weeks. Women with this disorder have an inability to grasp real-life. They form delusions about their lives and children. They are in most need of help. Safety for themselves and children are at risk.
All of these disorders can be very trying on the mothers and families. It is unclear, the cause of these disorders. Many women who suffer from post-partum depression have had some previous form of anxiety or depression in the past. Hormonal, biochemical, psychosocial, and environmental changes have all been thought to play a part. Drastic decreases in estrogen and progesterone have a major