Power Of Trade Essay

Submitted By nellytwo4
Words: 1036
Pages: 5

Carnell Lewis
Tyler Sage
Eng 100

Power of Trade
Things that involve trade are usually beneficial to both parties or is critical to ones prosperity. In Joel L. Swerdlow's "Tale of Three Cities" the article talks about the importance of trade, where trades occur and the things that causes some cities to flourish and other cities to fade.
The power of trade seemed to be a reoccurring theme throughout the article as it stated the manifesting of winning formula of Egypt. "Trade produces wealth, wealth pays for knowledge and knowledge stimulates more trade" (pg 82) which Madison Gibney's "India's Slaves of Sex" was in consonance with. Once brothel owners realized how wealthy they were becoming and how their wealth could out weight criminal activities, sex trafficking became a continuous cycle.
First and foremost , wanting to be an owner of sex slaves is what kept sex trafficking running functionally. The expansion of brothels and slave owners continued to grow as people in the community began to realize how wealthy and untouchable they were becoming. Things like religion , poverty and gender has led to reasons why sex trafficking became a never ending success. " This globalization and governmental corruption has created poverty and dire circumstances that sex traffickers and slave owners preyed upon " (28). Gibney was emphasizing on how it almost seemed as if the government set up sex trafficking in a way to where it was acceptable. This statement by Gibney is also a prime example of how knowledge stimulates trade because when the citizens saw how oblivious the government was being towards the subject , it was something they felt like they can capitalize off of. Because of their prior circumstances and poverty , this is what made people in India more subjected to sex trafficking simply because they were going to be making money. This is a reason why Gibney came to the conclusion that the government is responsible for this corrupt system. The knowledge that the sex owners gained from their trail and error led them to being able to produce more sex trafficking victims because

Carnell Lewis
Tyler Sage
Eng 100

of the lack of convictions rates that the government recorded. Knowledge stimulating trade was exemplified in a " Tale of Three cities " as well when Alexander the Great engineers realized that they could make trades along sea currents going from west to east using the Mediterranean sea. The knowledge that they ensued from the Mediterranean sea led that city to becoming the center of trade.
Secondly , if slave owners were to ever get caught in the act of their crime, then there was little to nothing to stress over simply because "wealth pays for knowledge". Wealth paying for knowledge can be a good and bad thing depending on where you stand finically in your society.
In Madison Gibney's " India's salves of Sex" sex owners knew that if they were to traffic low income women and kids that their family wouldn’t be able to afford a good lawyer. If sex owners were to get caught , then they knew that they would have enough money to get a good lawyer that they know would beat a court appointed lawyer to the victims." In most countries , the government appoints an attorney to the victims if the cannot afford one". (29) This is a negative way in which wealth pays for knowledge. A positive way in which wealth pays for knowledge is what Eliot Feld in a " Tale of Three Cities " did with his wealth by opening a dance company to teach hundreds of the most talented dancers he could get his hands on. Because of his wealth and generosity he was a big addition to why people from all over the world wanted to live in New
York. In addition to Eliot Feld's generosity and wealth , kids were able to gain the knowledge of ballet dancing which is what they always wanted to do. I can relate to wealth paying for knowledge because of a camp I once participated in held by Leroy Harris who was a offense of lineman for the