Essay on Pregnancy in the U.S

Submitted By raiderz01
Words: 626
Pages: 3

Chris Jones

Professor McFadden

ENGL30001EL126T- Advanced Composition
Term 6, 2012

31 July 2012

To: Superintendent, Schuyler County School District

From: Chris Jones

Subject: Teenage Pregnancy in High School

Teen pregnancy is a colossal social problem in today’s society. Statistics prove that thirty-four percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20---about 820,000 a year. Eight in ten of these teen pregnancies are unintended and 79 percent are to unmarried teens. ("Help for Troubled Teens") Most teen males reports that they would be very upset (46%) or a little upset (34%) if they got someone pregnant, while the remaining 20% report that they would be pleased or a little pleased. ("Guttmacher Institute") With these proven statistics, parents should strongly consider educating teens more about the responsibilities and risks of pregnancy. Teen childbearing is associated with reduced educational attainment. Teen mothers are substantially less likely than women who delay childbearing to complete high school or obtain a GED by age 22 (66% vs. 94%). Fewer than 2% of teens who have a baby before age 18 attain a college degree by age 30. ("Guttmacher Institute") Teenage pregnancy not only brings up the topic on education but also taxpayers dollars. Most of the public sector costs of teen childbearing are associated with negative consequences for the children of teen mothers, during both their childhood and their young adult years. In Missouri in 2008, taxpayer costs associated with children born to teen mothers included: $48 million for public health care (Medicaid and CHIP); $45 million for child welfare; and, for children who have reached adolescence or young adulthood, $37 million for increased rates of incarceration and $66 million in lost tax revenue due to decreased earnings and spending. (“The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy”)

Schuyler County School District

In 2006-2009 Schuyler High School had approximately 263 students enrolled. Out of these 263 students about 10 students are first time mothers, and approximately 2 are second or third time mothers. In a school of elementary-high school of approximately 650 students that is a high percentage. Many of these mothers are getting financial aid, which is causing workers to have to pay more in taxes. Taxpayers in Missouri pay at least $215 million for teenage pregnancy. “Founded in 1979 by eleven youth agencies to improve teen parent services, the Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy is now a statewide