Prejudice And Biases In 'The Scarlet Letter'

Words: 796
Pages: 4

Our world that we live in has and will always be full of prejudice and bias. In the past, racist and religious differences created profound divisions in the population and people formulated biases along these differences. In The Scarlet Letter, characters had biases which reflected what they saw and how they treated other characters. However, biases are still present and as technology advances, and all information becomes accessible to the masses, people are starting to formulate their own ideas and biases about the world around them. This is becoming more evident in the world of politics, where people are becoming more divided than ever over their political views because of technology. With these biases act as filters, and people only let in and see what they themselves want to see in a situation. The themes of bias and “one seeing only what they wish to see” are communicated in The Scarlet Letter and are still major presently in politics and our personal lives.
The theme of “one only
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In arguments, I am sometimes guilty of being ignorant enough to try to consider another person’s point of view. For example, in school group projects, I would sometimes try to take charge in the group, but in doing so forget to consider other’s input and ideas in favor of my own. This ignorance on my part had sometimes led to tension between myself and others, if it was left unchecked. More recently, I still sometimes take charge in group projects, but only in a way to divide up work and organize the group. Also, before making any decisions I now always consult other members of the group and try to be as open to feedback as possible. Not only has my bias affected how I work in group projects for school but it also affects disagreements I may have between siblings or parents. Although, I am still prone to forgetting to view things from another perspective and only see the information I want to