Prep Child Stereotypes

Words: 512
Pages: 3

“All Prep kids are rich and stuck up.” This is one thing that comes to mind when someone asks me if I have ever been a victim of a stereotype. It is true that a lot of kids who go to Prep come from wealthy families, but there are still a majority of them who come from middle and lower class families. Their parents sometimes find themselves working double shifts, just so their kid can get a quality education at Prep. In addition to being rich, people think that we are also stuck up and very snotty, just because where we go to school. If these people actually got to know Prep’s student body as a whole, I think they would be surprised and learn that most of the students are genuine, down to earth kids. From my experience, my parents are not doctors or high up on the payroll, but they work their tails off, just so that my brother and I can go to Prep, which I am extremely grateful for. Many kids, including myself, take place in doing service in the community. Rich or poor, this fights the stereotype of how Prep kids may be snotty or selfish. When meeting new people in public from other schools, they sometimes already have a bad impression based on where I go to school. They will know I am a Prep kid by either what I am wearing or the people I am hanging out with. I try and overcome being …show more content…
Many kids also have the option to do work study at Prep, which reduces the tuition, making it more affordable. Since Prep is a wealthy school, they make it possible that kids from a poor background get the opportunity to come to Prep. This is possible, because of the support Prep gets from donors, who usually went to Prep themselves. They know that Prep is a great school and want to make it possible for lower class families to send their kids there. So, realistically, the whole continuum of people from different socioeconomic backgrounds is well represented at