Essay on Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector

Submitted By lindslou
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Pages: 11

Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Written Assignment Level 4 By Lindsay Shearer

I aim to demonstrate the main points of how to create a successful learning environment. There are, perhaps, other skills and attributes that may help an individual to teach effectively. For example, having a good understanding and up to date knowledge of the subject, skill or hobby of what you intend to teach. A good level of numeracy and literacy would certainly be required along with some common personality traits such as being focused, supportive, confident, enthusiastic, honest, flexible and professional. The main areas to be covered are: Roles, responsibilities and boundaries which effect the teacher, current legislation and code of practice, points of referral to meet the needs of the learners, inclusion, equality and diversity within a learning group. record keeping, teaching methods, ground rules, assessment methods and functional skills. As I do not have a specialist area, I will discuss the points made in the assignment on a general level. 1.1-Explain what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in the teaching/training cycle The role of the teacher is far more extensive than simply standing in front of the classroom and delivering information on a subject in which they are experts. Of course, enriching their learners subject knowledge and helping to realise the true potential of an individual could be the most significant role of the tutor. However, there are several responsibilities and boundaries to consider. Managing attendance records, updating and maintaining learner progress files and undertaking one-to-one progress reviews and planning lessons are also important. A tutor has an initial responsibility of identifying the group dynamics in order to deliver a session that covers all the needs of the students. Some factors to consider are learning styles, age, learning abilities and group size. Once the needs of the group have been established, the tutor has a responsibility to ensure that teaching methods chosen are going to target each member of the group. Careful consideration to how the learners will be assessed is also a responsibility of the tutor. Not only do they have to ensure that they do not discriminate against those with learning disabilities, they also have to ensure their assessments are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound). Teachers are responsible for choosing assessment methods that promote fairness for all. Of course, during the course, the teacher may encounter boundaries which may force them to rethink their methods of teaching or assessment. There may be individuals who have been inappropriately placed on the course and show no signs of making any valuable contribution and have serious motivational issues. Within a group, there maybe learners with personalities that clash. Individuals in the group may not have developed interpersonal skills and are struggling to get along with other students. Language barriers could also create issues if the teacher is not appropriately prepared. Even teachers personalities can clash with those in the group which can cause serious issues when gaining trust and respect. Being flexible and able to think on their feet may help a teacher overcome these boundaries.

1.2-Identify the key aspects of current legislation and codes of practice and the type of organisation within which you would like to work. Explore how these can impact within your own curriculum area. There are many legislations set to protect individuals and gives individuals rights regardless of sex, age, gender, race, religion, disability, ethnic origin and sexual orientation. As these legislations are set by the court, a teacher would be responsible to create an awareness of their existence with their learners. Here a few of the laws I feel are most relevant to a classroom environment: - Data Protection act (1998). Gives protection to any